Soul Essence
Two of my favorite words. SOUL. ESSENCE.
To me, our SOUL is who we are at our core, our spiritual being, uniquely created by God. If we eliminate the material aspects of this life, discard the ever-changing opinions of the world around us, and remove the expectations of others and ourselves, our soul will still exist. It is raw, it is unfiltered, it is genuine, it is complex, it is transcendent. It is inexpressible in its entirety.
To me, the ESSENCE of anything is its truest and most natural form. It has the potential to bring forth its absolute best. It perseveres, no matter the circumstances. It exists without boundaries, it liberates, it embraces, it provides purpose, it is limitless potential.
As humans, our SOUL ESSENCE is our quintessential core being. We all have unique talents, gifts, personalities, and interests that define us at our core. It's who we are in our most interesting, most unique, most complex, and most vulnerable form. It's what inspires us, what motivates us, what shapes us, what we're passionate about. It's living with intention and purpose. It's what makes us unique and one of a kind. It is all-encompassing and can be expressed in infinite ways.

With lots of encouragement and support from friends and family, I decided to finally take on the blog world. The variety of subjects and interests in this blog provide a sampling of my soul essence. This blog is a platform for varied interests and talents - there's something for everyone here to inspire and channel their inner soul essence. Whether it's home decorating, cooking, traveling, photographing, healthy living, styling, creating, crafting, laughing, learning, DIY-ing, or parenting, there's a wide variety to choose from. I hope you find something here that speaks to your soul essence to spark the creativity, talent, and uniqueness that resides in you.
Enjoy the variety. It's the spice of life after all. :)