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I'm a SIMPLE girl. I strive to see the BEAUTY in the ordinary moments of life.
Capturing PRECIOUS MOMENTS to preserve life's stories is one of my many PASSIONS.

About Me...
Things I LOVE, ADORE and APPRECIATE (in no particular order):
the OCEAN. the sound. the smell. the peace I feel. the memories. the way it acts as the perfect canvas for sunrises and sunsets.
sunsets. thunderstorms. sunrises.
Miya Sofia, my spoiled maltese.
GOD. The creator of all things beautiful. My daily source of strength, hope, and faith.
My amazing FAMILY and FRIENDS. So grateful for their unwavering love, support, and encouragement.
the color TURQUOISE.
my super loving and adorable husband who never stops believing in me.
TRAVELING. exploring. spontaneous adventures. WANDERLUST at heart.
LAUGHING. loud and often. witty banter.
Skiing while learning to develop a new appreciation for snowboarding.
Discovering and following my BLISS.
runner's high. sunset yoga. dancing like no one's watching.
Observing life with new perspectives... viewing life's infinite moments as UNIQUE and precious WORKS of ART.
MUSIC. Indie. Oldies. Pop. Classical. Rock. Jazz. I like it all.
Making and preserving MEMORIES.
my AMAZING clients.
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