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Whole30 Challenge: Day 7

TUES, March 7th


If you haven't already read my disclaimer, please click the link HERE from Day 1 of our challenge. As with any lifestyle or dietary change, if you have any questions or concerns, be sure to discuss them with your physician. Also check out the Whole30 website for specifics and additional info.


As I have mentioned, I repel technology. After staying up last night for 3 extra hours until 2:45AM to make some blog updates that should normally take 5 minutes, I decided sleeping in a bit was the way to go. This turned out even better in my favor as my hubs took charge this morning and made breakfast for us (which would have been breakfast in bed for me this time, but I moseyed on downstairs before he had the chance to bring it up). I will say, he gets 2 thumbs up and extra points for presentation, for cleaning up the dishes, and partaking in a little food prep too! I guess he has some tricks up his sleeve after all. ;) Teach a man to fish and he will!


For breakfast, he made a healthy breakfast scramble of eggs, orange/green/red bell peppers, onions, and ground turkey, prepared with a side of fruit.

TASTE TEST: Everything was delicious and much appreciated!


For lunch, I was all about something quick as my technology issues apparently followed me out of bed this morning and were still in full-force, so I found myself utiliz ing my back-up Whole30 food (for when I don’t have the time/feel like cooing)...

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(Oh, how I miss you Bob Barker…) After a quick Google search, I am happy to confirm that as of today, Bob is still kicking it at a ripe age of 93. He must be doing the Whole 30 or something right… :)

​Back to basics. Aidells all natural chicken & apple smoked chicken sausages are one of the few chicken sausages I could find that doesn’t have some sort of added sugar or dairy in it. I cooked the apple sausage and enjoyed it with the leftover sweet potato hash from the day before and some fresh berries. Quick and easy and just what I needed for today.

TASTE TEST: Not bad for fast. I'd eat these again.


The technology repelling continued as I had one too many frustrations today with my darn blog, so I’ll admit, I was not in the best mood.

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At this point, my patience was slim to none. Normally I’ll have a handful of chocolate chips or a glass of wine after a long day (I know, not the best idea, you’re preaching to the choir sister, I’m not advocating this whatsoever), but in this case, I didn’t even have that to take the edge off a little. I needed a long jog… or a punching bag. Being that it was well past dark and having no punching bag readily available, my hubby immediately came to the rescue with one of our over-stuffed pillows that finally came in today (albeit 3 months late).

After getting some of my frustration out, I returned back to my Blog only to find that the page I had been working on ALL day somehow never saved my updates, so back to the drawing board once again!!

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I promise I’m doing everything right!! Is there seriously some little gremlin inside my computer (and phone apparently too) that is out to get me or is getting some sick enjoyment out of my dire situation for his entertainment at my expense?! Lack of patience for technology, limited food groups, and minimal sleep is NOT a good combo folks!

Luckily for me, hubs stepped up his cooking game and made dinner, which I greatly appreciated, while I went back to recreating the wheel once again...

I did find this little gem though when googling earlier though which kind of made my night.

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For dinner, hubs cooked pan-seared pork chops, vegetable medley, and a seasoned baked potato with chives. We utilized our go-to seasoning again (the Everyday Spice Blend from Whole Foods) which he used to season both sides of the pork chops. He then cooked the pork chops in 2 tablespoons of olive oil over medium high heat (with the lid on to contain the heat). We made sure the pork was cooked thoroughly by the old “cut-look-and-see test” which I do not advise since we both have never cooked a pork chop in our lives before…

Mental Note: Buy a meat thermometer, ASAP to avoid any future possible bout with the dreaded Trichinosis...

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In all seriousness though, make sure the pork chop is cooked to a minimum internal temp of 145°F, as measured with a food thermometer.

The vegetable medley is actually one of our go-to quick favorites for cooking veggies in a pinch when we are very limited on time. We purchase this in bulk at SAM’s, and they are the closest thing to "fresh" frozen vegetables you can find. You can throw the bag in the microwave for instant veggies, but my favorite is to cook the veggies on the stove with a little coconut oil (and sea salt/pepper) as it gives the veggies the perfect barely-noticeable sweet finish. Props hubby! This is exactly what I needed tonight. Thanks for taking one for the team!

TASTE TEST: Delicious and nutritious. :)

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